Our practice nurses and doctors are happy to see teenagers for discussion of health issues on a confidential basis, irrespective of age. Whilst we are happy for parents to accompany younger teenagers we may encourage young people to develop some independence by seeing them alone for at least part of the consultation.
Is something bothering you?
Have you got health concerns that are personal or embarrassing?
Are you worried about other people finding out?
The doctors and nurses at your surgery offer private and CONFIDENTIAL* help for young people of any age, including under-16 year olds. We are happy to discuss any problems that you have, whether you think that they are big or small, and whether they are physical or emotional.
Making an Appointment
It can sometimes be difficult to make a first appointment if you have never done this before. Here are a few tips:
- Phone the surgery number and speak to a receptionist, or come to the reception desk at your usual surgery.
- Tell them that you want to make an appointment with a doctor (or nurse).
- The receptionist sometimes asks if you can tell them anything about the type of problem because this helps them find the best person to see you (they are not being nosey!). They must keep everything confidential (like everyone else in the practice) but you don’t have to tell them if you don’t want to – just say ‘it’s personal’.
- The receptionist may ask if it is an ‘urgent’ or ‘a medical emergency’. This is a bit tricky because you may not know. However if it’s something that is worrying you so much that you feel you need help on the same day then just say ‘yes’. If it can wait a few days longer then say ‘no’.
- You should be offered a choice of appointment times. If you have difficulty getting to the surgery at a particular time (because of school, college, work, or transport etc) then tell the receptionist so that they can work around this if possible.
- If you are having difficulty getting a suitable appointment, then ask the receptionist if a doctor can telephone you. They will take a message and pass this on to a GP. Don’t forget to leave your correct phone number!
*The only time we ever share information is if you or someone else is in danger, and we would talk to you first.
Coming to an Appointment
If you haven’t been to see the GP on your own before, here are a few tips:
- You may feel more comfortable if you come with a friend or family member (not necessarily a parent). They can come into the consultation with you if you wish, or they can wait in the waiting room whilst you come in on your own.
- Let the receptionist know that you have arrived (or use the check-in screen by the reception desk).
- You may have to wait a few minutes to be seen. Bring something to keep yourself occupied so that you aren’t worrying.
- It can be helpful to write down the things that are bothering you if you think that it is going to be difficult talking about them.
Getting Involved: our Patient Participation Group
The Practice has a Patient Participation Group (PPG) which meets every couple of months to find out the sorts of things that are important to our patients, so that we can improve the services we provide. Many of the group members are older – so we need some younger people to let us know what is important to your age group.
Here are some links and resources that you may find helpful. Let us know if there are more that you would like to be added.
The Children’s Society Resource Vault: Information for Young People
Advice on a wide range of issues from a reputable organisation
Health for Kids is an exciting development offering clinically assured interactive content, which provides health information that is safe and from a trusted source
Listen to people talk about their own experiences of health problems. This site has a specific section for young people.
Healthy families The local healthy families team run drop in sessions at many schools to offer help and support. They also have a confidential texting service which supports with issues such as bullying, emotional health and sexual health. Text: 07507 329952 www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/healthy-families-chathealth
Sexual Health
Contraception Choices: This website gives advice on contraceptive methods.
Over the counter contraceptive pills (from your pharmacy) You can find out about this here on the GOV.uk website.
Sexwise This website gives free and confidential information about all aspects of sex and relationships: www.sexwise.org.uk.
Nottinghamshire Sexual Health Clinics Give free, confidential advice. There is a clinic every day at Victoria Health Centre behind the Victoria shopping centre in Nottingham, and there is a clinic in Beeston at Hope House on a Wednesday 4.30-6.30 Please ring 0115 9627627 for an appointment.
Help and support with unplanned pregnancies can be reached at www.bpas.org or by phoning 03457304030.
Nottingham Rape Crisis can be reached on 0115 9410440 and is for all people over 13 who need help and support around the issue of sexual assault or abuse
Free and confidential sexual health advice for under-25s
C:Card Nottinghamshire
Free confidential advice and condom service for young people (age 13-25) in Nottinghamshire.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust mental health crisis helpline (open 24/7) – 0300 303 0165 for anyone in crisis at any time, anywhere across Nottinghamshire open to people of all ages who need urgent mental health support.
Nottinghamshire Crisis Sanctuaries provide mental health support to local communities. They are open to anyone 18 and over who feel they are in, or near, a mental health crisis and need a safe space to talk. Each Crisis Sanctuary has trained Crisis Intervention Workers who can provide out-of-hours mental health support in a trusted and secure space. Click here for more details: www.nottinghamshirecrisissanctuaries.tv
You can find a leaflet by clicking here.
Be U Notts – advice, guidance and support for young people in Nottingham, click here: https://www.beusupport.co.uk/
Help your mate campaign – during COVID
Lockdown is easing, which means we can see your mates in person again. If you’re getting together, remember things aren’t like usual. If you need help, emergency services might not be able to get to you as quickly. Here’s some tips and advice for staying safe while having a good time with your mates.
CASY counselling
CASY provides a confidential counselling service to young people aged from 6 to 25 within Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire. https://www.casy.org.uk/
- For young people who are experiencing mild to complex emotional and mental health difficulties. www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/camhs-young-people
- CAMHS crisis resolution and home treatment: for young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis such as those who are at risk of immediate and significant self harm. www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/camhs-crisis-team
Young Minds
This site provides lots of information about a range of emotional and mental health problems that young people may experience.
Safe Time
For young people aged 17 and under who are a victim/survivor of sexual exploitation or sexual abuse. 0115 960 6975 [email protected].
BEAT Eating Disorders
Eating problems amongst young people are relatively common. This site has a link to a helpline to talk about eating disorders and how they can be recognised and treated.
BEAT help during Coronavirus: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/coronavirus
Freed Beeches
For young people (aged 14+) and adults who are suffering from mild/moderate eating disorders inlcuding anorexia nervosa,bulimia nervosa and OSFED (other specified feeding and eating disorder). They offer counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, psychotherapy etc 01910 9479922, [email protected], www.freedbeeches.org.uk/service-
Students Against Depression
This site was set up to help young people understand depression and how to cope with it, especially if you are feeling that life isn’t worth living.
Kooth.com is a safe, confidential and non-stigmatised way for children and young people to receive free counselling, advice and support on-line.
Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire: https://nottalone.org.uk/
Health for Teens
Confidential health and support from your school nurse. Click on this link for a leaflet. www.healthforteens.co.uk or www.healthforkids.co.uk
Healthy Family Teams
A variety of resources for families and children. Click here.
Harmless is an organisation that can help those who feel the urge to self harm www.harmless.org.uk
Apps for mental health issues
Calm Harm (free) – an app which suggests immediate ways to ‘ride the wave’ when feeling the urge to self-harm, listed under different categories such as ‘Distract’, ‘soothe’ or ‘express’. Free to download from the Apple or Android Appstore.
Headspace (website and app)
“Headspace is here to give you the tools and resources to look after your mind. And now, more than ever, it’s time to support those who really need it. If you’re unemployed, you can get a free year of Headspace Plus to help you get back on your feet.”
SAM: Self-help for Anxiety Management (free) – an app to help you understand and manage anxiety. Developed in collaboration with a research team from UWE, Bristol. “SAM will help you to understand what causes your anxiety, monitor your anxious thoughts and behaviour over time and manage your anxiety through self-help exercises. The “Social cloud” feature will enable you to share your experiences with the SAM community while protecting your identity.”
Mood Tracker by Tyneside Mind (free) – “Tyneside Mind Mood Tracker is an interactive mood rating system and personal journal. Now you can track your daily ups and downs and spot patterns in your mood and behaviour: Does your diet affect your mood? How does alcohol really make you feel? Would you benefit from more sleep?”
Also offers a desktop version and the option to print out monthly mood charts which could be shared with health professionals.
Youper (have to pay for some features) – An app using artificial intelligence and a messaging conversation feature to offer instant mental health support and treatment. “Created by a team of experts led by psychiatrist Dr. Jose Hamilton, Youper utilizes AI to personalize various techniques to fit users’ individual needs. It incorporates techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness and Meditation.”
Free counselling outside of CAMHS
Nottalone: Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire https://nottalone.org.uk/
The Mix – Service for 13-25 year olds offering a variety of support services. They have a telephone helpline and 1-2-1 online chat which offers instant access to advice and signposting, online articles, peer support and discussion boards, as well as short-term telephone and webchat counselling.
Telephone Helpline: 0808 808 4994. Open 7 days a week from 4pm to 11pm.