Welcome to the LGBTQ+ section of our practice website. At Chilwell Valley and Meadows Practice, we are committed to providing inclusive healthcare services to all members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Gender Recognition Form
This form allows patients to securely and confidentially update their name, gender and preferences for health screening on their medical records. It also includes information about the implications of updating gender details on medical records and health screening.
The NHS records system is currently binary and only accepts a male or female gender marker on medical records. If you wish to choose non-binary or another gender identify, we can add a note to your medical records so we as a practice knows your gender identify. If you wish to change your name, we may request proof of your new name, such as an ID or deed poll.
Please complete the form below.
Health Screening
The practice is committed to provide all patients with equitable access to screening programmes that are available on the NHS. You will be invited based on the gender marker on your NHS records. It is important for us to know your assigned gender at birth to ensure that you are invited for the relevant screening.
PHE information about screening for trans leaflet
Practice screening leaflet that includes contact for local screening services.
Please indicate your preferences using the form below.
Practice Protocol for Management of Transgender Patients
Our practice follows a comprehensive protocol for the care and management of transgender patients.
Resources and Support
Please see the following links to relevant resources, local support groups and community organisations.
Age UK and LGBT+ : Information and advice for older LGBT+ including veterans.
Gendered Intelligence Support Line : For 18+ who are on the NHS GICs waiting list)
Genderphoria : Support and social group for individuals aged 13-18.
LGBT Foundation : A national charity founded in Manchester.
LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire : Support and counselling services for individuals aged 11-25.
The Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health
Nottingham Chameleons : A local social and support group for anyone on transgender spectrum, their families and friends.
Notts LGBT+ Network: A local charity which offers information and advice and social activities. They have a very comprehensive resource hub:
Notts Trans Hub : A local charity which offers support groups (including parents and family members) and social activities.
Outburst : Young people’s LGBT group (11-19 years) provided by Base51 in Nottingham.
Stonewall : Provides support services to LGBTQ+, runs various awareness campaigns and events, offers education and training to schools and institutions.
Trans4me : Nottingham based youth group for ages 13-21.
Training and Education
All staff members including clinicians and administrative staff will undergo regular training on LGBTQ awareness.
Feedback Your feedback is important to us. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding LGBTQ+ inclusive healthcare at Chilwell Valley and Meadows Practice, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’re here to support you.
Chilwell Valley and Meadows Gender Recognition Form
This form allows patients to securely and confidentially update their name, gender and preferences for health screening on their medical records. It also includes information about the implications of updating gender details on medical records and health screening. Your information will be handled confidentially and in accordance with GDPR regulations.